Scientific studies on bras

  • Breast cancer occurs 6 times more often in women who wear a bra all day and also at night to sleep.
  • People who do not wear bras have a 20-fold lower risk of developing breast cancer.
  • The lowest rates of breast cancer are found in women living in cultures where bras are not part of the usual traditional dress (e.g., parts of India, Israel, Singapore, Fiji, and certain Native American tribes).
  • The pressure of the bras on the breast tissue can increase the temperature in the tissue and thus suppress melatonin production. Melatonin is, among other things, an antioxidant, with anticarcinogenic properties.
  • Wearing bras increases the risk of breast pain and cysts in the breasts.
  • The pressure that bras exert on the tissues hinders the lymphatic drainage of the breast. This means that particularly toxic substances, from deodorants, cosmetics, body lotions, textiles and detergents can be poorly removed and accumulate in the breast tissue. See :“Unsupported breasts (of any size ) will most likely move, when the women is walking or moving about. This is a natural movement, and there seems to be a reason for it. We have breast massage articles from several experts that adress the question of breast movement and its relationship to the natural flow of lymphatic fluids in the breasts. Since there is no „heart“ to move the lymphatic fluid, we must rely on body movement and muscular contractions to move the fluid“.
  • Most bras are made of synthetic textiles that have been chemically treated. Years of exposure to acrylic and nylon bras in women between 50 and 75 years of age showed an association with breast cancer.
  • The metal underwires that almost all bras have nowadays create unnatural radiation in the breast tissue, which could lead to breast changes.